Do you know your rights and responsibilities when trading with digital art (NFTs included)?
Are you aware of the risks to consider while uploading your artwork in a public space like the internet? and Sorainen cover the following topics in a webinar, which you can watch below:

Digital art – copyright laws and taxation

  1. Digital art and copyright on the Internet: what to consider?
    • Digital art, including NFT art, is protected by copyright like so-called traditional art
    • Copyright regulation in transactions: Assignment vs. Licensing
    • When acquiring an NFT artwork, the copyright of the work is not automatically transferred – for this, a separate agreement must be concluded
    • Note the terms of use of the various platforms and what rights they grant to the platforms over the works uploaded by users
  2. Taxation of digital art, including NFT art
    • What taxes apply?
    • Assignment vs Licensing
    • What to consider when dealing with art?
    • Sales in and out of the EU

Our experts Kärt Anna Maire Kelder and Helery Maidlas advise about NFT marketplace terms and conditions.