NASCAR kaitses Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus oma kaubamärki
Kaitsesime edukalt autospordiorganisatsiooni NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) huve vaidlustes, mis puudutasid NASCARi kaubamärgi registreerimist Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. Meie meeskonna abiga õnnestus ettevõttel oma NASCARi kaubamärki kaitsta ja tunnistada kehtetuks identse kaubamärgi rahvusvahelise registreerimise katsed Balti riikides Amaxa Pharma poolt. Leedus lahendati küsimus kohtus, Eestis ja Lätis tööstusomandi apellatsioonikomisjonis. Otsused lubavad […]
Primekss’i patendivaidlus
Sorainen advised Primekss, one of the most innovative Latvian companies in the building industry, in patent litigation. Primekss owns a valuable building-industry patent that has gained global recognition and numerous industry awards. Primekss filed a claim against a Latvian construction company for use of Primekss’ patent technology in building a warehouse. The first instance court […]
Dense Airi raadiosagedusspektri oksjon
Sorainen advised Dense Air – an operating company within the Airspan Group, that provides wholesale shared “neutral host” 4G LTE mobile network densification and extension services – on Latvian telecom regulation as it relates to the acquisition of radio spectrum. Client was advised by partner Agris Repšs and senior associate Andris Tauriòš.
Sorainen nõustab Google’it intellektuaalse omandi ja andmekaitse asjus
Sorainen regularly advises Google on intellectual property and data protection matters. Work includes, eg, filing trademark applications, launching opposition proceedings and providing legal assessments on intellectual property protection for Google products in the Baltic States. Sorainen most recently consulted Google on launching YouTube Kids and Google Play ToS in the Lithuanian market as well as […]
Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohus avas kohtuasja Bauskas Dzîve vs Läti riik
On 5 October 2017, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) initiated case No. 56997/17 SIA Bauskas Dzîve vs Latvia based on a complaint by a regional newspaper publisher against action taken by Latvia allowing municipalities to issue their own newspapers that imitate the independent press. The complaint is based on Article 10 of the European Convention of Human […]