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  • Sorainen ESG-focused newsletter, Summer edition

    Publication / Vitalija Impolevičienė, Agita Sprūde, Elina Lumiste

    CSRD transposition status in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia On 5 January 2023, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (the CSRD) entered into force. The CSRD requires large companies and all listed companies (except listed micro-enterprises) to disclose information on what they see as the risks and opportunities arising from social and environmental issues, and on the […]

  • Sorainen ESG-focused newsletter, May 2024

    Publication / Vitalija Impolevičienė, Elina Lumiste, Agita Sprūde

    EU-level news ECTHR ruled that climate inaction violates human rights  On 9 April 2024, the European Court of Human Rights handed down a groundbreaking ruling in a case concerning elderly Swiss women and climate change. This is a major decision, as it is the first time that the Court has dealt with climate change issues, […]

  • Sorainen ESG-focused newsletter, April 2024

    Publication / Vitalija Impolevičienė, Agita Sprūde, Elina Lumiste

    Legislative news and ESG initiatives in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Status of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive’s transposition into local laws Lithuania Following the draft CSRD transposition package that was published at the end November 2023, now the proposal has been adjusted and a new version was put forward in March 2024. There are no substantial […]

  • Sorainen ESG-focused newsletter, March 2024

    Publication / Vitalija Impolevičienė, Agita Sprūde, Elina Lumiste

    Legislative news and ESG initiatives in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Status of the corporate sustainability reporting directive’s transposition into local laws In Estonia, the draft law transposing the CSRD was published on 23 February 2024 and is currently waiting for approval from ministries. It is expected to come into force on 6 July 2024. The draft […]

  • Second annual sustainability report shows promising results

    Publication / Vitalija Impolevičienė, Laimonas Skibarka

    Sorainen has made considerable progress in the area of sustainability since releasing the first sustainability report last year. We have also experienced an expansion of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) related services provided to clients. Notably, Sorainen was recognised by the Legal 500 Green Guide as the only pan-Baltic law firm with a focus […]

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