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  • Essential changes in the regulation of employment of third-country nationals: what employers need to prepare for?

    Publication / Ana Borovko

    Recently, several proposals have been registered in our country to change the Lithuanian legislation regulating the legal status of foreigners in Lithuania and their right to work. As a result, employers and third-country workers will be obliged to comply with them, which requires preparation in advance. Ana Borovko, senior associate at Sorainen law firm, outlines […]

  • European Legal update: 30.04. – 14.05.

    Publication / Natālija Ķīse

    Assistant lawyer  Natālija Ķīse compiled the material.         Data protection Digital Markets Act: Commission initiates market investigation for X and designates Booking as gatekeeper Published: 13 May 2024 In accordance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the European Commission decided not to designate X Ads or TikTok Ads and instead named Booking as the gatekeeper for […]

  • European Legal update 01.04. – 16.04.

    Publication / Natālija Ķīse

    Assistant lawyer  Natālija Ķīse compiled the material.      ESG ECtHR delivers three Grand Chamber rulings in cases concerning climate change Issued: 9 April 2024 The European Court of Human Rights issued rulings in three climate change-related cases, emphasising the relationship between environmental issues and human rights. Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, Carême […]

  • European Legal update 15.08. – 28.08.

    Publication / Nikola Cīparsone

    Assistant lawyer Nikola Cīparsone compiled the material.    EU Law Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning batteries and waste batteries, amending Directive 2008/98/EC and Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Directive 2006/66/EC Entered into force: 17 August 2023 A new law to ensure that batteries are collected, reused and recycled in Europe is entering […]

  • Law on Imposing Restrictive Measures Regarding the Military Aggression Against Ukraine

    Publication / Ana Borovko

    From 3 May 2023, the Law on Imposing Restrictive Measures Regarding the Military Aggression Against Ukraine will enter into force in Lithuania. The new law outlines several new measures and updates some measures that were already applied. The law will be valid until 2 May 2024.  Restrictive measures that will continue to apply Visas and […]

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