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  • Teamdash x Sorainen: Ensure GDPR Compliance in Recruitment Like a Pro

  • Transposition of the Directive in Latvia

    Publication / Edvīns Draba

    Amendments to the Insolvency Law, Civil Procedure Law and the Law On Protection of employees in case of Insolvency of Employer aimed at transposing the Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency were adopted in March this year and are applicable to proceedings initiated starting from 15 September. Read more about types of proceedings, statutory moratorium, classes of creditors […]

  • Startup tackles unfounded claims by disgruntled employee

    Deals & Cases / Dr Kadri Härginen, Jaanika Alevi, Pirkko-Liis Harkmaa

    Our employment disputes experts successfully advised the client, a sales management software development company, in a dispute with a former employee concerning the termination of employment due to a breach of the employment contract by the employee. Unfounded claims The dispute arose after the former employee was dissatisfied with the management of the employer and […]

  • Partner Nauris Grigals joins Sorainen Latvian office

    News / Nauris Grigals

    This February, Nauris Grigals joins the Sorainen partnership. As a result, the total number of Sorainen Latvian office partners reaches eight. Nauris will take on the role of co-head of the Corporate and M&A practice group of the Latvian office, together with the country managing partner of the Latvian office, Eva Berlaus. The Corporate and […]

  • Carri Ginter: law says you can go to extremes if there are no reasonable choices in between

    Publication / Dr Carri Ginter / ERR

    Our partner Carri Ginter discussed the legislative aspects of vaccination and COVID-19 restrictions on the current affairs show “Esimene stuudio”. According to Ginter, restrictions and vaccination requirements have to be proportionate – the employer has to sufficiently justify demanding vaccination in the workplace and only do it when there are no alternatives. The coronavirus restrictions […]

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